Bitrix Site Manager Installation Guide

  1. Extract files from the Bitrix Site Manager distribution package to the root directory of your site.
  2. Prepare your system for the installation. If you install Bitrix Site Manager on a public hosting service, please ensure that it satisfies the following minimum requirements.
    • Install Apache web server (or IIS) if it is not installed yet. Configure it to support PHP. Bitrix Site Manager requires Apache web server version 1.3 or higher (or IIS), and PHP version 5.0.0 or higher.
    • Install the desired database engine (MySQL version 5.0 or higher; or Oracle 10g or higher; or MSSQL 2008 or higher).
    • If you install the Oracle based edition, please ensure the client part of Oracle 10g or higher is installed. Create a new user there (alternatively, you can do that during the installation).
    • If you install a MSSQL version, ensure that ODBC is supported.
    • If you re-install the system, remember to delete all tables from the database.
    • Ensure the disk has extra 10 Mb of free space for the update system to function properly.
  3. Open http://<your site>/index.php in your browser (replace your site with the real address of your site).
  4. Follow the installation wizard instructions.

    Installation Step 1 (The Start)

    The installation process starts. The installation wizard displays information about the product and the installation.

    Installation Step 2 (License Agreement)

    The installation wizard displays the license agreement. Read it carefully. You have to accept the license agreement to continue the installation.

    Installation Step 3 (Database Type Selection)

    • License key: If you have already purchased a license, enter the license key here. If you install the product for evaluation purposes, leave the default field value (DEMO).
    • Choose database: You must select the exact database type for which your license has been issued. Selecting any database type other than the one stipulated by the license violates the license agreement and can cause partial or full malfunction of your site.

    Note! The MSSQL database type will be available if only ODBC is supported by your system. Oracle databases require the OCI8 library (the file php_oci8.dll) to be installed. If your system does not meet these conditions, the MSSQL and/or Oracle database types will not be available.

    Oracle and MySQL databases can be installed in UTF-8 encoding. If you choose to install UTF-8 version, mark the UTF-8 Installation option.

    Installation step 4 (Preliminary Verification):

    The installation wizard checks your system for minimum requirements and displays advices on how to tune your system for optimum performance.

    If your system does not match minimum requirements, the problem description in red will display on the top of the screen.
    The detailed description of the incompatibility can be found in the page body. You cannot continue installation until you fix the problem.

    If your system does not match the recommended settings, you can still proceed with the installation. The installer will show the potentially incorrect settings. However, it is strongly recommended that you bring these settings into line with the recommended values. You can verify the system preferences in the Site Check form in Control Panel.

    Installation step 5 (Database Creation):

    Here the license file and the database connection configuration file are created, and the data is uploaded to the database.

    • MySQL:
      • Server: Server that hosts the database engine. Usually "localhost" for local servers.
      • Database user: If checked, a new database user will be created. Otherwise, an existing user will be used.
      • User name: A user name (login) of the database user to access the database.
      • Password: A user password to access the database.
      • Database: if checked, a new database will be created. Otherwise, the existing database will be used.
      • Database name: The name of the database to which the product will be installed.

        Note! If you choose to create a new database or database user, you will have to provide the database administrator's login and password.

        Note! The database administrator's user name and password are used only at the installation and database creation time. This information is not stored in the system.

      • Login: the administrator's login to be used for connection to the database.
      • Password: the administrator's password to be used for connection to the database.
      • Type of database tables: Select here the required type of tables. MySQL supports custom table types as of version 4.0 and higher.
    • Oracle:
      • Connection string: This field should contain either the name of a local Oracle instance, or the record name in tnsnames.ora to connect to. Example of the name of the local Oracle instance: (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 0000)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = BX))).
      • Database user: If checked, a new database user will be created. Otherwise, an existing user will be used.
      • User: A user name (login) of the database user used to access the database.
      • Password: A user password to access the database.

        Note! If you choose to create a new database or database user, you will have to provide the database administrator's login and password.

        Note! the database administrator's user name and password are used only at the installation and database creation time. This information is not stored in the system.

      • Login: the administrator's login to be used for connection to the database.
      • Password: the administrator's password to be used for connection to the database.
    • MSSQL:
      • DSN: a database connection string. The string should contain, at least, the connection driver parameters and the server name. Optionally, you can include the user name, password or other parameters.

        Note! Sometimes you would need to specify a user DSN name here (a connection must be created in advance).
        For local servers (if the product is installed on the same server as the database), this parameters has a value localhost;

      • User: User name (login) of the database user used to access the database.
      • Password: User password to access the database.
      • Create database: Check this option to create a new database.
      • Database name: type the name of the database to which the system will be installed.

        Note! If you choose to create a new database or database user, you will have to provide the database administrator's login and password.

        Note! The database administrator's user name and password are used only at the installation and database creation time. This information is not stored in the system.

      • Login: the administrator's login to be used for connection to the database.
      • Password: the administrator's password to be used for connection to the database.
    • Additional parameters:

      • Access permission for site files: Permissions that will be applied to all newly created files. Access permissions should allow the web server to write to files. The default value is 0644.
      • Access permission for site folders: Permissions that will be applied to the newly created folders. Access permissions should allow the web server to write to folders. The default value is 0755.

    You can alter the database connection parameters manually by editing the file /bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php.

    Installation step 6

    Here the system creates the database. This step does not require any user interaction. The process of the database creation is indicated by the progress bar. When the database creation is completed, the installation wizard will open the next installation step form.

    Installation step 7 (Configuration)

    Here you can configure the site and create the site administrator account. This account gives a user the exclusive access to the site management functions and allows to edit all the site settings. You can create more users with less permissions later.

    • Login: The site administrator login to access the site Control Panel. Login should contain at least 3 symbols which can be Roman letters and digits only.
    • Password: The site administrator password to access the site Control Panel. Login should contain at least 6 symbols which can be Roman letters and digits only.
    • Confirm password: Type in the password again to ensure its correctness.
    • E-Mail: The e-mail address of the site administrator.
    • First name: The first name of the site administrator.
    • Last name: The last name of the site administrator.

    When the administrator account is created, the system will start the Demo Site Creation Wizard.

  5. Follow the wizard's instructions and configure the settings of the solution: choose the template and color scheme and enter the other parameters as requested by the wizard.

  6. If you need, you can adjust more system settings.
    • Upload a CSV file with IP-to-country information for use with the Statistics module. You can do so in the Statistics module settings page (menu Settings, select Statistics in the drop-down menu).
    • Add the following directive to the .htaccess file in the site root folder:

      php_flag session.use_trans_sid off

      to disable adding session identifier to the site links. Remember that your version of the Apache web server may not support this.
    • Add the following directives to the .htaccess file in the site root folder:
      ExpiresActive on
      ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 3 day"
      ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 3 day"
      to enable image caching. Your Apache web server may not support this.

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